Spearheading a Pathway to Preservation

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″ bg_color=”#f4e7bd”][vc_text_separator title=”About this Resource” border_width=”3″][bquote type=”site_background_colored vrv_active_colored” after_author=”Jerianne Davis, Helvetia Public Library Director” prk_in=”“I think my son, even though he’s annoyed with all the cultural stuff he has to do; I think he’s pretty proud to be from here.””][prkwp_spacer][vc_column_text]Who are you?  Where did your family come from?  Who and how did this town get started? Finding and connecting with one’s roots and origins; seeing how this great area got started can really help foster one’s sense of belonging and shared identity within a community.  Preservation of an area’s residents, culture, heritage and origins was found to be extremely important in making you feel a part of something.   Preservation takes on various forms depending on the community and is defined by action taken by residents or institutions to maintain shared identity and community narrative.  Part of resident concern with control over the future of the town is the ability to shape the narrative of the past and the present.

Outcome- The following is designed to help assess first (a) your community and then (b) your library work toward resident belonging through the preservation pathway.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_text_separator title=”Author’s Note” border_width=”3″][vc_single_image style=”vc_box_rounded” image=”9494″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][prkwp_spacer][vc_column_text]My families came from Switzerland in the 1870’s and helped settle the little village in West Virginia I call home. I was raised knowing, understanding and celebrating our unique culture and heritage and our little village still pushes on showcasing it today. Our community is special because we have a museum and an archives room attached right along with our library. The library, along with knowledgeable residents’ in our community have worked tirelessly to ensure there is an abundance of information and events available to Helvetia’s residents and surrounding areas as to preserving our culture and heritage that we are so proud of. Knowing where you come from gives a deep sense of belonging and community and I am so blessed every day to be a part of this great story.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_text_separator title=”Tool: Spearheading a Pathway to Preservation” color=”custom” border_width=”3″ accent_color=”#ffeead”][vc_column_text][ipt_fsqm_form id=”86″][/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title=”Evaluation of Tool: Spearheading a Pathway to Preservation” color=”custom” border_width=”3″ accent_color=”#ffeead”][vc_column_text][ipt_fsqm_form id=”87″][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]